A Far Fetched Resolution

I’ll tell you what happens with impossible promises. You start with far-fetched resolutions. They are then pickled into a rigid dogma, a code, you go through the years sticking to that, out-dated, misplaced, irrelevant to the real needs, and you end up in the grotesque chaos of a Labour council, a Labour council hiring taxis to scuttle round the city handing out redundancy notices to its own workers. I’ll tell you.. You can’t play politics with people’s jobs and with people’s services.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Preparing for stuff...


Tomorrow I'm going to London to see my Dad's exciting show (which I saw on film only five days ago and therefore know the ending of. Thanks Mum).

Emily is coming to see it too, as she is a glutton for punishment. I'm sure it will be fun.

Anyway, I've been turning my thoughts to jobs overnight, "sleeping on it" as it were and have come to the conclusion that I should just let the fates decide. If I've applied for a job it's because I want to do it. I've thought about things and the one for which I may or may not have an interview soon sounds really exciting, having spoken to people who've done similar jobs before. So I'm going to jump to it and get myself in tip-top shape for it, and see what happens.

Hopefully I'll get it - I can't moan one day that the process takes too long and then get myself all in a strop when one comes along rather more quickly than I'd thought and makes me make decisions I hadn't planned on making just yet.

So here goes.


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