A Far Fetched Resolution

I’ll tell you what happens with impossible promises. You start with far-fetched resolutions. They are then pickled into a rigid dogma, a code, you go through the years sticking to that, out-dated, misplaced, irrelevant to the real needs, and you end up in the grotesque chaos of a Labour council, a Labour council hiring taxis to scuttle round the city handing out redundancy notices to its own workers. I’ll tell you.. You can’t play politics with people’s jobs and with people’s services.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Blogging, the final frontier


People I've always considered even more techno-phobic and t'internet illiterate than me have been talking about their blogs in the pub (a far more appropriate and convenient forum for most of the musings I intend to waste your time with here incidentally...) which made me, quite simply, envious.

Not in a kind of burning up with hatred way - just in a "Mum, why's Callum got a ....[Ewok village, Mountain Bike, Massive stash of illegal* substances under his mattress] and I haven't?" way.

But since my entire existence is ruled by such petty competitiveness and insecurities you can blame them for this - my new blog. I'm kind of semi anonymous for the moment - although anyone who knows me would spot it a mile off - since I'm pretty new to it all and I want to blame any errors and so on on someone else if at all possible. Whoever is most appropriate at the time.

Seems fair to me. Anyway, welcome, and enjoy.



*just to clarify that last was for comic effect and an in-joke between myself and acquaintances of of the mighty Callum and a post-ironic comment on how childhood friends change. I have never been envious of his massive stash of illegal substances...and he hasn't got one so nobody grass him up. Names changed for legal reasons.


  • At 6:55 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Petty competitiveness? Really? Never... :)

  • At 7:16 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    it's pink!

  • At 7:49 pm, Blogger Pickles said…

    Oooh comments - it's almost like a proper blog!

  • At 12:46 pm, Blogger Unknown said…

    Oh, BTW, I've added you to Bloggers4Labour, so your latest posts will be syndicated for all to see.

  • At 1:57 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    When did the kinnock quote get added to the top?

    I have only just noticed it and realised the significance of name of your random blog -

    Although given that Rambo and I performed said speech as a duet approximately 76 times during our most hysterical period (including on the top of a welsh mountain, and in a pair of scuttling taxis in Liverpool), I really should have recognised it earler.

    But anyway, I believe one is also to be discouraged from playing politics with peoples homes.

  • At 7:57 pm, Blogger Pickles said…

    I think also no matter how satisfying to short term egos or wahtever one shouldn't play politics etc - but there's a 500 character limit on the sub-heading bit so I cut the bits people usually forget...


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